Patrick's Bytes

16, April 2008

ASP.NET 3.5 Extension Training Kit Download

Filed under: Ajax,ASP.NET,ASP.NET 3.5 Extension,MVC Framework — patrickyong @ 2:54 pm

Build on top of the popular Visual Studio 2008 Training Kit, ASP.NET 3.5 Extension was released a few days ago.

ASP.NET 3.5 Extension will be part of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and it covers the following technologies:

  1. ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) – Think Java Struts
  2. ASP.NET Dynamic Data – Think about Rails scaffolding ability and this could be the bullet train. 🙂
  3. ASP.NET Control for Silverlight
  4. ADO.NET Entity Framework
  5. ADO.NET Data Services
  6. and more ASP.NET AJAX stuffs

Download the Training Kit here and the SDK here.

You can also go here for the landing page with more info and links to forums.

4, March 2008

Dinner Now project for VS2008 RTM out!

Filed under: .NET Programming,Ajax,Visual Studio 2008,Windows Server 2008 — patrickyong @ 6:58 am


DinnerNow project has been around since Vista and .NET 3.0 at Beta stage and finally it has been updated for latest RTM version of Visual Studio 2008.

It is a fictitious marketplace where customers can order food from local restaurants for delivery to their home or office. This sample is designed to demonstrate how you can develop a connected application using several new Microsoft technologies.

The demo utilizes several technologies including: IIS7, ASP.NET Ajax Extensions, LINQ, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows PowerShell, and the .NET Compact Framework.

Download the bit here:

Or you may want to check out the video if you don’t have the environment to install Dinner Now

1, February 2008

Introducing Walter

Filed under: Ajax,ASP.NET,Tech.Ed,Tech.Ed 2008 SEA — patrickyong @ 4:27 pm

Walter is a good friend of mine and we used to worked together in Microsoft. He is now a CTO of am ISV in cyberjaya and he has all the while been very passionate about web technologies and it’s security. A regular speaker on web security issues, his eval score in events like Tech.Ed is much higher even compared to more experienced speakers.

He has got a blog for quite sometime at Live Space talking about web development as well as hacking websites. Recently he has been quite active blogging so I urge my readers to check out his at

29, January 2008

Demo website used in Ajax Security Talk

Filed under: Ajax,ASP.NET — patrickyong @ 12:58 am

For those who want to try out the Ajax vulnerabilities I showed in TechNet MSDN road show in Penang, you can download the project here. Note that you must use VS2005 to open it as website.

The zip file is hosted on Live Folder

24, January 2008

TechNet MSDN Roadshow – Penang

Filed under: Ajax,ASP.NET,Visual Studio — patrickyong @ 10:32 am

There you go, today we wrap up the event in Penang and heading to East Malaysia next week. Has been quite a few tired days so before I blog further, here are the slides

  1. Writing AJAX Secured code
  2. A new hope for reliable and robust software

Coming discussion will include:

  • More AJAX Security link especially links to my hacker friend.
  • Tips and tricks to customize the testing tools in VSTS Development Edition, esp rules about Code Analysis
  • Source codes to the demos

Many thanks for the huge turn up by the Penang folks, this is my 2nd time to present at my hometown and its always heartwarming to meet up old friends at such events.

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