Patrick's Bytes

15, May 2008

POP3 Server for Windows Server 2008

Filed under: POP3,Windows Server 2008 — patrickyong @ 9:25 am

POP3 services only make it to one version of the Windows Server family which is Windows Server 2003. However because of this server OS been around for about 5 years, there are a lot applications out there designed to leverage the feature. Even SharePoint can make good use of this POP3 service to send email if the customer does not have any email server or they host it else where. However it comes handy for me to do development as I don’t want to touch my production email server.

For those who still  need POP3 Services, a guy named Hannes Preishuber has come out with their own POP3 extender for SMTP services. How it works I am not sure but you can check out their website here.

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