Patrick's Bytes

12, May 2008

.NET Framework 3.5 updates to have WPF enhancements

Filed under: Visual Studio 2008,WPF — patrickyong @ 3:05 am

While a lot focus has been on ASP.NET 3.5 enhancement lately (and Silverlight too), I was wondering what happened to Windows Presentation Foundation, which when Vista was launched Microsoft did a lot of cool prezzo on it (it runs on XP as well).

After some digging around, realize that Scott Guthrie and Mary Jo Foley did blogged about this enhancement. Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet event mentioned that the codename for this enhancement is known as ‘Arrowhead’. Scott’s blog post here exposed more details in the form of a roadmap, which among them are

  1. Improve setup experience for end users
  2. Performance Improvements
  3. New WPF Controls i.e. Datagrid, Datepicker and Ribbon

How is it going to be released is still a mistery as there are even some news out there about a SP1 released but still not official words yet. So got to cross our fingers and see how.

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