Patrick's Bytes

28, May 2008

Windows 7 demoed

Filed under: Windows 7 — patrickyong @ 4:08 pm

Watch Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer talked about Windows 7. If you don’t know what is Windows 7, just FYI, XP is Windows 5.1 and Vista is Windows 6 then you will get the picture.

image image

I believe Windows 7 is years away because this demo is still using Windows Vista look and feel with multi touch technology inside. Interesting part of this demo would be:

1. The multi touch demo is done using existing Tablet PC in the market, which I don’t see additional hardware mounted on it.

2. Multi touch is done on some WPF applications, especially the familiar piano, this could mean that WPF with all their bells and whistles will also get multi touch enabled which make it more fun and cool !!

3. Multi touch capability demos and clients are still important and they will continue to evolved. There wouldn’t just a SaaS world with client OS being just cheap commodity.

Check out the videos here.

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